Website SEO Services in Tacoma
Improve your website SEO with Google My Business Page
What benefits does having a Google My Business profile take on your website SEO? How to set up your Google Business profile properly to maximize impressions? Let's consider answers to these questions.
How to improve your website position in Google Search?
Simple answer: create Google Business page for your business and website.
Sometimes your customers try to find your company by business name. If you have your company set up right in Google Business your clients will see a big card with detailed information about your business on the right side of the general search results list. Isn't that beneficial for your business? It is like a large banner ad in search results.
Google Business profile lets your clients see a big card with detailed information about your business on the right side of the Google search results.
How to add your company to Google Maps?
Simple answer: create Google Business page for your business and website.
The presence of your business in Google Maps search results is even superior. Your potential clients located not far from your business location may search for some services you provide. If you have your business profile set upright your business will appear higher than your competitors in search results.
Some factors that may take effect on your business position in search results are whether you have a website set or not, how long you have your business registered, whether you have a virtual tour of your business interior or not, and some other factors.
If you have your Google Business profile set upright your business will appear higher than your competitors in Google Maps search results.
How to add your company to Mobile search results?
Simple answer: create Google Business page for your business and website.
Google Business profile also helps you to get to the mobile search results. When your customer asks Google Assistant for services you perform Google Businesses that are local to the area from where they do the search. You want your business to be there one of the first, right? To be there your business profile should be set up in the right way.
More advanced users can ask their smart devices even more extended questions such as "call to interior painter near me" or "call to plumbing services near me". So you want to be there in search results when your potential customers ask Google for the services you do.
And we are talking not about paid ads but about the free Google Business page of your company that should be set up once and then works for you.
When your customer asks Google Assistant for services you perform Google Businesses that are local to the area from where they do the search.
How to be above your competitors in Google Maps search results?
Basically what you want is to complete your Google Business profile as fully as possible. It will tell Google Search that your business is serious and transparent.
1. Add and verify your company business address
Add and verify your company address, don't hide it. It requires going through the verification process. You will have received the verification code to your company mailing address.
This lets Google know where your company is located. Your customers will see a map marker with your company name along on the map while they are searching for the services you do. If you provide your company address it helps to show your company on Google maps search results more often.
In case your company doesn't have an address you want to share, for example, if you work remotely or from home, you may consider that it is a good idea to rent a virtual office. It will cost you an extra $30 - $50 but this lets you choose your company address in one of the fancy buildings downtown.
2. Upload the logo of your business, a nice cover image, interior, and exterior photos
You can also upload some examples of your works, photos of your team members to your Google Business page. If you don't have a nice and professional logo we can help you to create one. Make sure you upload only professional-looking images.
3. Provide other useful information for your clients
Provide the website URL address for your clients. It is helpful because using the website you can share much more information with your clients. Moreover, the website site URL in your Google Business profile gives an advantage over those businesses that do not have a professional website. Please contact us if you are looking for professional website design services.
Another benefit of having a website on your Google business page is improving its SEO. Learn more about what impact have links and keywords on your website SEO from this article.
4. Create Street View interior virtual tour for your Google Business page
Adding Street View virtual tour to your Google Business page has a huge impact not only on your company Google Maps Search results ranking. Google ranks businesses with virtual tours higher in the search results because they view these businesses as having a more complete profile, coupled with the fact that virtual tours show the inside of a business online which tells Google that these businesses are transparent, reputable and therefore get more trust from Google.
*Google Business page with the Virtual tour open.*Moreover, you can embed your 360° virtual tour to your website as well which keeps people there longer. Keeping people on your page longer tells Google that your page must be interesting and that helps you rank higher because you decrease your “Bounce Rate†(The amount of time before someone gets bored and moves on to another page).
So by adding a virtual tour to both your Google Business page and your website you are improving the SEO of your website and eventually will gain more customers. Learn more about what benefits virtual tours could have for your business. Make sure you order a professional virtual tour creation. Don't be content with amateur virtual tours that can do more harm than good.
5. Let us help you with your website SEO
We will make sure your Google Business page and website are set up properly to bring you more customers and accomplish the goals of your business. Use the subscription form below to don't miss articles like this and get a discount on our services.
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SEO for startups & small business websites in Tacoma
Keeping people on your page longer tells Google that your page must be interesting and that helps you rank higher because you decrease your “Bounce Rate”

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